John W. Dower, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


John W. Dower

American historian

Date of Birth: 21-Jun-1938

Place of Birth: Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Profession: writer, historian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About John W. Dower

  • John W.
  • Dower (born June 21, 1938 in Providence, Rhode Island) is an American author and historian.
  • His 1999 book Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II won the U.S.
  • National Book Award for Nonfiction, the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, the Bancroft Prize, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the Mark Lynton History Prize, and the John K.
  • Fairbank Prize of the American Historical Association.Dower earned a bachelor's degree in American Studies from Amherst College in 1959, and a Ph.D.
  • in History and Far Eastern Languages from Harvard University in 1972, where he studied under Albert M.
  • Craig.
  • He expanded his doctoral dissertation, a biography of former Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, into the book Empire and Aftermath.
  • His other books include a selection of writings by E.
  • Herbert Norman and a study of mutual images during World War II entitled War Without Mercy. Dower was the executive producer of the Academy Award-nominated documentary Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima, and was a member of the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, sitting on the editorial board of its journal with Noam Chomsky, and Herbert Bix.
  • He has taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the University of California, San Diego, and is a Ford International Professor of History, Emeritus, at MIT.

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