Kurd von Mosengeil, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Kurd von Mosengeil

German physicist

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1884

Place of Birth: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Date of Death: 05-Sep-1906

Profession: physicist

Nationality: German Empire

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Kurd von Mosengeil

  • Kurd Friedrich Rudolf von Mosengeil, also Curd Friedrich Rudolf von Mosengeil (* 7 March 1884 in Bonn; † 5 September 1906 at Wildgall in Rieserfernergruppe), was a German physicist. Kurd von Mosengeil was a student of Max Planck.
  • In 1905, the latter became the most prominent early advocate of the theory of special relativity of Albert Einstein.
  • In the subsequent years, Planck published several works, in which he explained further consequences of Einstein's theory.
  • He conveyed his enthusiasm to his assistant Max von Laue and his student Kurd of Mosengeil, who became the first physicists to habilitate and graduate, respectively, in relativity-related subjects. Tragically, Kurd von Mosengeil died in a mountaineering accident in Tyrol in September 1906, as he was completing his doctoral dissertation.
  • Planck and Wilhelm Wien edited his draft for publication in the Annalen der Physik in 1907.
  • The resulting posthumous paper (Theorie der stationären Strahlung in einem gleichförmig bewegten Hohlraum, en:Theory of stationary radiation in a uniformly moving cavity) contains the correct relativistic expression for the temperature of a moving body among other equations of relativistic thermodynamics and a statement of the mass-energy equivalence inspired by the work of Friedrich Hasenöhrl (1904).
  • Planck vouched personally for the scientific content of von Mosengeil's dissertation and believed in its lasting value.
  • Von Mosengeil's results help break new ground in further researches by Planck (1907) and Einstein (1908).

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