Eduard Karl August Riehm, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Eduard Karl August Riehm

German theologian

Date of Birth: 20-Dec-1830

Place of Birth: Diersburg, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Germany

Date of Death: 05-Apr-1888

Profession: writer, author, theologian, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Eduard Karl August Riehm

  • Eduard Karl August Riehm (20 December 1830 – 5 April 1888) was a German Protestant theologian. He was born at Diersburg in Baden.
  • He studied theology and philology at Heidelberg and later at Halle under Hermann Hupfeld, who persuaded him to include Arabic, Syriac and Egyptian.
  • Entering the ministry in 1853, he was made vicar at Durlach soon afterwards, and became a licentiate in the theological faculty at Heidelberg.
  • In 1854 he was appointed garrison-preacher at Mannheim for the Evangelical Church in Baden; and in 1858 he was licensed to lecture at Heidelberg, where in 1861 he was made professor extraordinarius.
  • In 1862 he obtained a similar post at Halle, and in 1866 was promoted to the rank of professor ordinarius.
  • As of 1878 he was a member of provincial synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Saxony within the Evangelical Church of Prussia's older Provinces, advancing to member of the provincial synodal board in 1885, and becoming a member of the old-Prussian general synod too.Throughout his life he followed Hupfeld's plan in his scientific treatment of the Old Testament—that of reconciling the results of a free criticism with a belief in divine revelations.
  • His practical experience of pastoral work also proved of service to him when he became a professor of theology, for if there is one quality more striking than another in the writings of Riehm, it is that of sympathy with orthodox believers (TK Cheyne).
  • In 1865 Riehm was made a member of the commission for the revision of Luther's translation of the Bible, and became one of the editors of the quarterly review, Theologische Studien und Kritiken.His works include: Die Gesetzgebung Moses im Lande Moab (1854), in which the Deuteronomic law book is assigned to the second half of the reign of Manasseh Lehrbegriff des Hebräerbriefes (1858–59, 2nd ed.
  • 1867) Hermann Hupfeld, Lebens-und Charakterbild des deutschen Professors (1867) Die Messianische Weissagung (1875, 2nd ed.
  • 1883; Eng.
  • trans.
  • 1890) Religion und Wissenschaft (1881) the well-known Handwörterbuchs des biblischen Altertums fĂĽr gebildete Bibelleser (2 vols., 1884; 2nd.
  • ed.
  • revised by F Baethgen, 1892–94)After his death were published the Einleitung in das Alte Testament (1889, ed.
  • by A Brandt), in which the date of the Deuteronomic law book is placed earlier than in his book on the legislation of Moses—shortly before or at the beginning of the reign of Hezekiah; and his Alttestamentliche Theologie (1889, ed.
  • by Pahncke).
  • See Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopädie, and TK Cheyne, Founders of Old Testament Criticism.

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