Peter Dervan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Peter Dervan

American chemist

Date of Birth: 28-Jun-1945

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Profession: chemist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Peter Dervan

  • Peter B.
  • Dervan (born June 28, 1945) is the Bren Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology.
  • The primary focus of his research is the development and study of small organic molecules that can sequence-specifically recognize DNA, a field in which he is an internationally recognized authority.
  • The most important of these small molecules are pyrrole–imidazole polyamides. Dervan is credited with influencing "the course of research in organic chemistry through his studies at the interface of chemistry and biology" as a result of his work on "the chemical principles involved in sequence-specific recognition of double helical DNA". He is the recipient of many awards, including the National Medal of Science (2006).

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