Carl Wilhelm Erich Zimmer (Sondershausen, September 29, 1873 – Hüll bei Wolnzach, November 8, 1950) was a German zoologist specialising in crustaceans, especially the order Cumacea.
He studied zoology at the universities of Strasbourg, Munich and Breslau, receiving his doctorate in 1897.
In 1912 he was appointed second director at the Zoological State Collection of Munich, where in 1917 he became director.
From 1924 to 1937 he was a full professor and director of the zoological museum in Berlin.The crustacean genus Zimmeriana (Hale, 1946; family Gynodiastylidae) commemorates his name, as do species with the epithet of zimmeri, including three species frogs (Arthroleptis zimmeri, Oreophryne zimmeri, and Pseudophilautus zimmeri).
He is the taxonomic authority for the krill species Euphausia hanseni.