Àlex Susanna i Nadal (born Barcelona, 12 September 1957) is a writer, critic and cultural administrator.
He currently holds the director of the Institut Ramon Llull, a public body whose mission is to raise the profile of the Catalan language and culture on the international scene.Born in Barcelona in 1957, he was lecturer in Catalan literature and theory of literature at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (1982-1992).
As a cultural entrepreneur and administrator, he founded and directed the Columna publishing house (1985-1999) and the Columna Música record company (1997-2000).
He founded and directed the Barcelona International Poetry Festival (1984-2000), and has been director of culture at the Institut Ramon Llull (2002-2004), where he promoted Catalonia’s candidature as Guest of Honour at the Guadalajara and Frankfurt book fairs.
He has also been director of the Fundació Caixa Catalunya (2004-2009) and director of culture for the Social Programmes of CatalunyaCaixa (2009-2011) at La Pedrera, where he arranged an extensive programme of international exhibitions and events to disseminate contemporary music.
His creative work includes ten books of poetry, which have been translated into many languages, four volumes of diaries and translations of writers such as T.S.Eliot (Quatre quartets, 2010), Apollinaire (Cal·ligrames, 2009), Valéry (Monsieur Teste, 1982) and Aragon (Irene, 1980).
As an art critic he has published a number of monographs and other works of criticism, and curated some exhibitions, most of them on Maillol.
He is a member of the European Academy of Poetry and in 2008 he was appointed Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French government.