Antoni Lewek, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Antoni Lewek

Polish theologian

Date of Birth: 14-Jan-1940

Date of Death: 18-Jul-2010

Nationality: Poland

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Antoni Lewek

  • Antoni Lewek (1940-2010) was a Roman Catholic priest, theologian, and academic.
  • He was founder and first director of Institute for Media Education and Journalism at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.Ordained in 1963, Lewek specialized in homiletics and held faculty positions the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw (1967-1971) and the Institut für Katechetik und Homiletik in Munich (1971-1973).
  • In 1973, he became a researcher at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University.
  • From 2002 to his death, he was director of the Institute for Media Education and Journalism there. Lewek was an anticommunist and protested in the aftermath of the death of slain priest Jerzy Popieluszko.

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