Johann Christian Jüngken, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Christian Jüngken

German ophthalmologist

Date of Birth: 12-Jun-1794

Place of Birth: Burg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Date of Death: 09-Sep-1875

Profession: surgeon, university teacher, ophthalmologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Johann Christian Jüngken

  • Johann Christian Jüngken (12 June 1794, Burg bei Magdeburg – 9 September 1875, Hanover) was a German ophthalmologist and surgeon. He studied medicine and natural sciences at the University of Göttingen, where his instructors included Conrad Johann Martin Langenbeck and Karl Gustav Himly.
  • In 1815 he served as a volunteer hospital assistant in Berlin and Brussels, about which, he gained experience in the treatment of battle-inflicted wounds.
  • While in Belgium, he also had the opportunity to study soldiers afflicted with a disease referred to as "Egyptian ophthalmia".
  • In 1816 he continued his education at the University of Berlin, where following graduation, he worked as an assistant in the department of ophthalmology under Karl Ferdinand von Graefe.
  • In 1825 he became an associate professor and a member of the Ober-Examinations-Kommission.In 1828 he was appointed director of the newly formed department of ophthalmology at the Charité-Berlin, a position he would maintain for the next forty years.
  • In 1834 he became a full professor of surgery and ophthalmology, and during the same year, was called as a consultant to Brussels in order to research an outbreak of ophthalmia affecting the Belgian army.
  • In 1841, after the death of Johann Nepomuk Rust, he took on additional duties as director of surgery at the Charité.
  • Jüngken was among the first physicians to use chloroform for eye surgery operations.

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