Jan Mikusinski (April 3, 1913 Stanislawów – July 27, 1987 Katowice) was a Polish mathematician based at the University of Wroclaw known for his pioneering work in mathematical analysis.
Mikusinski developed an operational calculus – known as the Calculus of Mikusinski (MSC 44A40), which is relevant for solving differential equations.
His operational calculus is based upon an algebra of the convolution of functions with respect to the Fourier transform.
From the convolution product he goes on to define what in other contexts is called the field of fractions or a quotient field.
These ordered pairs of functions Mikusinski calls operators – Mikusinski Operator .
He is also well known for Mikusinski's cube and Antosik–Mikusinski theorem, and Mikusinski convolution algebra.