Patrick Prosser, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Patrick Prosser

British computer scientist

Date of Birth: 08-Sep-1952

Place of Birth: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Profession: computer scientist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Patrick Prosser

  • Patrick Prosser (born 8 September 1952) is a Computer Scientist at Glasgow University.
  • His research has centred on Constraint programming, although it has extended into the application of those techniques into other areas.
  • For his major contributions to the theory and practice of Constraint Programming, Patrick was awarded the Association for Constraint Programming's Research Excellence Award on 15 September 2011: he is only the sixth recipient of this award.
  • He gave a prerecorded acceptance speech, which is available on YouTube.His most notable contribution is his invention of Conflict-directed backjumping, an advanced technique for reducing search in constraint problems by avoiding unnecessary work on backtracking.
  • His 1993 paper describing this has been widely cited.Other areas of constraint programming he has researched include the identification of hard problems and techniques for solving vehicle routing problems.
  • His interest in applications of constraint programming has included (for example) how it can be used in computing species trees.Amongst his recreations is kite flying as a founder of the Kite Club of Scotland.
  • He has written about the Tetrahedral kite.

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