Omer Bartov, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Omer Bartov

American academic

Date of Birth: 17-Apr-1954

Place of Birth: Central District, Israel

Profession: historian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Omer Bartov

  • Omer Bartov (Hebrew: ????? ?????????; pronounced [?o'mer 'bartov]; born 1954) is the John P.
  • Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History and Professor of History and Professor of German Studies at Brown University.Bartov was born in Israel and attended Tel Aviv University and St.
  • Antony's College, Oxford.
  • As a historian, Bartov is most noted for his studies of the German Army in World War II.
  • Bartov has challenged the popular view that the German Army was an apolitical force that had little involvement in war crimes or crimes against humanity in World War II.
  • Bartov has argued that the Wehrmacht was a deeply Nazi institution that played a key role in the Holocaust in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union. Bartov, a 1989 to 1992 Junior Harvard fellow and 2002 Guggenheim fellow, is one of the world's leading authorities on the subject of genocide.
  • The Forward calls Bartov "one of the foremost scholars of Jewish life in Galicia".

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