Sandra Sabattini (19 August 1961 – 2 May 1984) was an Italian Roman Catholic and a member from the Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII.
Sabattini first joined the association after meeting its founder Oreste Benzi in her late childhood and began to work alongside drug addicts and ill people with the dream of becoming part of the medical missions in Africa.
It was later on that she became engaged but her life was cut short after being run over in a car accident while going to attend a meeting of the association near Rimini.Benzi pushed and lobbied for her process for beatification to be launched and this permission was granted over two decades later not long before Benzi himself died.
The cause opened and she became titled as a Servant of God.
Pope Francis confirmed her heroic virtue and titled Sabattini as Venerable on 6 March 2018 while on 2 October 2019 confirming a miracle attributed to her intercession; she shall be beatified in Rimini on 14 June 2020.