Herman Johan "Hans" Achterhuis (born September 1, 1942, Hengelo) is Professor Emeritus in Systematic Philosophy at the University of Twente, The Netherlands and one of the country's foremost philosophers.
For now his research concerns particularly social and political philosophy and philosophy of technology.
His list of publications shows a great scope (in fields of medical care, labour, third-world-philosophy).
In 1967 he took his doctoral degree on Albert Camus.
His latest books handle the topics of utopianism (‘De erfenis van de utopie’, ‘The Legacy of Utopia’) and the tension between morality and politics in relation to the Kosovo War (“Politiek van Goede bedoelingen’, ‘Policy of good intentions’).
He is co-author of the volume American Philosophy of Technology; The Empirical Turn.
This work includes contributions on Albert Borgmann, Hubert Dreyfus, Andrew Feenberg, Donna Haraway, Don Ihde and Langdon Winner.