He was called to Paris in 1776 to assist the then first conductor, Louis-Joseph Francœur, whom he replaced in 1781.
In 1779, he was named Maître de musique of Louis XVI's royal chamber.
In 1781, Apollon et Coronis, the opera he composed with his brother, the cellist Louis-Charles-Joseph Rey, was performed.
He kept his position at the Opera throughout the Revolution and participated in a number of revolutionary ceremonies.
In 1799, he entered the recently established Conservatoire to teach harmony.
He composed some of the Conservatoire's solfeges but was soon expelled along with the composer Jean-Francois Le Sueur, following internal dissensions.
In 1803, both Le Sueur and Rey were called by Napoleon to join his chapel: Le Sueur replaced Paisiello as director, while Rey was named first conductor, with Persuis as his assistant.
On 2 December 1804, Rey and Persuis conducted two giant orchestras in Notre-Dame for Napoleon's imperial coronation.