Sergei Fomin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Sergei Fomin

Russian mathematician

Date of Birth: 09-Dec-1917

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Date of Death: 17-Aug-1975

Profession: mathematician, university teacher

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Sergei Fomin

  • Sergei Vasilyevich Fomin (Russian: ?????´? ????´?????? ????´?; 9 December 1917 – 17 August 1975) was a Soviet mathematician who was co-author with Kolmogorov of Introductory real analysis, and co-author with I.M.
  • Gelfand of Calculus of Variations (1963), both books that are widely read in Russian and in English. Fomin entered Moscow State University at the age of 16.
  • His first paper was published at 19 on infinite abelian groups. After his graduation he worked with Kolmogorov.
  • He was drafted during World War II, after which he returned to Moscow. When the war ended Fomin returned to Moscow University and joined Tikhonov's department.
  • In 1951 he was awarded his habilitation for a dissertation on dynamical systems with invariant measure.
  • Two years later he was appointed a professor.
  • Later in life, he became involved with mathematical aspects of biology. The American mathematician Paul Halmos wrote the following about Fomin: Some of the mathematical interests of Sergei Vasilovich were always close to some of mine (measure and ergodic theory); he supervised the translation of a couple of my books into Russian.
  • We had corresponded before we met, and it was a pleasure to shake hands with a man instead of reading a letter.
  • Three or four years later he came to visit me in Hawaii, and it was a pleasure to see him enjoy, in contrast to Moscow, the warm sunshine. Fomin died in Vladivostok.

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