Muhammad Abdul Haq Ansari (1 September 1931 – 3 October 2012) was an Islamic scholar from India.
He was the Amir (president) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) from 2003 to 2007.
He was the member of Central Advisory Council of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.
He was also the Chancellor of Jamia Islamia, Shantapuram, Kerala.
His masterpiece Sufism and Shariah is a synthesis of Sufi and Shariah thought, especially a Tatbiq (application, coherence, sysnthesis) of Shaikh Ahmed Sir Hindi and Shah Waliullah's thought.
It grew out of his in-depth engagement with kalam, tsawwuf and fiqh in Islamic history.
His other major contributions are a book on Mishkawah's philosophy and an English translation of Ibn-e-taimiyah's fatawas with an introduction.
He also wrote ‘Learning the Language of Quran’ it is one of the best English guides for the beginners learning to read the Qur'an.He established a leading Islamic Institute in New Delhi, Islami Academy, aimed at training graduates from secular educational background in Islamic Sciences based on the madrasa curriculum.