Olof Celsius, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Olof Celsius

Swedish botanist

Date of Birth: 19-Jul-1670

Place of Birth: Uppsala Cathedral Assembly, Uppsala County, Sweden

Date of Death: 24-Jun-1756

Profession: priest, historian, theologian, university teacher, orientalist, botanist, philosopher, linguist, classical philologist, runologist

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Olof Celsius

  • Olof Celsius (the elder) (19 July 1670 – 24 June 1756) was a Swedish botanist, philologist and clergyman, He was a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden.
  • Celsius was a mentor of the botanist and scientist Carl Linnaeus.
  • Celsius wrote his most famous book on biblical plants, Hierobotanicon, in 1745-47. Olof Celsius's nephew Anders Celsius was an astronomer who invented a temperature scale where 100 represented the freezing point of water and 0 represented the boiling point.
  • Jean-Pierre Christin, in 1744 reversed the scale to create the centigrade scale, renamed in 1948 to the Celsius scale in use today. Olof Celsius was made a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1739.

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