Johann Georg Wunderlich, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Georg Wunderlich

German composer and musician

Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1755

Place of Birth: Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1819

Profession: composer, university teacher, flautist, music pedagogue

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Johann Georg Wunderlich

  • Johann Georg Wunderlich (also Jean-Georges Vounderlich, Wonderlich, Wounderlich) (2 February 1755 – 1819) was a German composer and flautist. He was first taught by his father, who was an oboist in the chapel of the principality of Ansbach.
  • At age 21, Wunderlich took flute lessons in Paris with Felix Rault.
  • From 1778-1783 he was a member of the Concert Spirituel orchestra.
  • He "performed a solo concerto there on 7 June 1778 and appeared regularly as a soloist in 1779." In 1781 Wunderlich joined the Paris Opera as second flautist and quickly rose to principal, which he remained until 1813 when he was succeeded by Jean-Louis Tulou. From 1795 to 1803 Wunderlich taught at the Conservatory of Paris.
  • He taught many students, including Jean-Louis Tulou, Benoit Tranquille Berbiguier, and Joseph Guillou.
  • He continued teaching until 1816. In 1804 Wunderlich published a textbook on flute method and technique.
  • It was a completion of a work by his colleague, Antoine Hugot who had since died.

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