Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen (born 11 June 1975) is a prominent "Counter-jihad" Norwegian blogger who writes under the pseudonym Fjordman and who has been characterized as far-right and anti-Islamic.
Jensen wrote anonymously as Fjordman starting in 2005, until he disclosed his identity in 2011.
He has been active in the counterjihad movement, which argues that multiculturalism, particularly Muslim immigration, poses a threat to Western civilization.
He has promoted this belief in a self-published book titled Defeating Eurabia, and stated that "Islam and all those who practise it must be totally and physically removed from the Western world".The newspaper New Europe stated that Anders Behring Breivik was inspired by Fjordman's belief in a secret Muslim plan to take over Europe, and quoted him extensively – 111 times – in his manifesto.
In 2013 Fjordman was given financial support by the organization Fritt Ord to write a book "about the Anders Behring Breivik case and how I got dragged into it against my will".
No Norwegian publisher has been willing to publish the work.According to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Fjordman is "considered a 'hero' among the bloggers and debaters constituting the new far right." Fjordman describes himself as being ostracized as a "public enemy" by pundits and politicians in Norway which he "had to flee" in 2011.Fjordman denies that he is an "extremist", and sees himself simply as having "a strong dedication to truth."