Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ignatius Zakka I Iwas

Syrian-Orthodox Patriarch

Date of Birth: 21-Apr-1933

Place of Birth: Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq

Date of Death: 21-Mar-2014

Profession: writer, Orthodox priest

Nationality: Syria

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Ignatius Zakka I Iwas

  • Ignatius Zakka I Iwas (Syriac: ????????? ??? ????? ??????, Arabic: ???????? ??? ????? ??????, Ignatios Zakkà ‘Iwa?, born Sanharib Iwas, 21 April 1931 – 21 March 2014) was the 122nd reigning Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and, as such, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church.
  • Also known by his traditional episcopal name, Severios, he was enthroned as patriarch on 14 September 1980 in St.
  • George's Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus.
  • He succeeded Ignatius Ya`qub III.
  • As is traditional for the head of the church, Mor Severios adopted the name Ignatius. Zakka was known for his involvement in ecumenical dialogue.
  • He was a president of the World Council of Churches and also a prolific author.
  • He was an observer at Second Vatican Council before becoming metropolitan bishop of Mosul.
  • At the time of his election as patriarch, Mor Severios Zakka was serving as the archbishop of Baghdad and Basra.
  • As patriarch, he established a monastic seminary, met with Pope John Paul II during the Roman Pope's visit to Syria in 2001, and installed numerous metropolitans, including Baselios Thomas I as Catholicos of India.
  • He celebrated his Silver Jubilee in 2005. Iwas was admitted to a hospital in Germany for angioplasty on 20 February 2014 and died on 21 March 2014.

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