Guida Diehl (1868 – 1961) was a German teacher and the founder of Neulandbund, a Nazi organisation for women.
In 1912 Diehl got to know and then worked together with Johannes Burckhardt.
She was a member of the German Christians and the first speaker of the National Socialist Women's League.
In her 1933 book, The German Woman and National Socialism, Diehl wrote:
Never did Hitler promise to the masses in his rousing speeches any material advantage whatever.
On the contrary he pleaded with them to turn aside from every form of advantageseeking and serve the great thought: Honor, Freedom, Fatherland! In his success is shown the power of great divine truths ...
For us women it was almost unendurable to see the weakness of manhood in the last decades.
Therefore the outbreak of the War was, despite all the hardships, a great experience for us: the upheaval of 1914 was a powerful breaking through of heroic manhood.
All the more fearful to us was the breakdown.
Then we called to German men: ‘We implore you, German Men, among whom we have seen and admired so much heroic courage ...